
Introductions: Hello My Fellow Moms

Hello fellow single-moms, and married moms as well… widowed moms, estranged moms, moms going through a separation, and welcome step-moms. If you are reading this, it’s probably because you’re searching for a little mom-to-mom compassion like the rest of us; and maybe you feel like you’re drowning in motherhood and other facets of life, even if only a little bit, too.

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Introductions: Hello My Fellow Moms

Hello fellow single-moms, and married moms as well… widowed moms, estranged moms, moms going through a separation, and welcome step-moms. If you are reading this, it’s probably because you’re searching for a little mom-to-mom compassion like the rest of us; and maybe you feel like you’re drowning in motherhood and other facets of life, even if only a little bit, too.

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Best Equipment For In-Home Workouts

Getting to the gym is hard, and getting to the gym when you have young children is even harder. Gyms can be expensive, it can also be difficult to find child care during the time you’re able to workout, or you might just have no time at all. When it comes to getting a workout in when you have small children, you have to get creative. In-home workouts can be just as effective as going to the gym.

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Why I’ll Never Excuse My Son’s Behavior As “Boys Being Boys”

Girls and boys, men and women. I don’t remember a time when we weren’t treated differently due to a perceived difference in our “innate” personality traits. Even growing up, I remember complaining to my mom as to why my brothers didn’t have to do certain chores with as much regularity as I did. She’d say “they’re boys, they just don’t understand how it needs to be done properly”.

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Pushing Four & Still Not Potty Trained: A Working Memoir

Now this is not for the parents whose children potty trained with relative ease around the age of two. I’m sorry, and I hate you. This is for the parents who are still sneaking out of the drugstore with size 4T-5T pull-ups, wondering if they’re on the verge of having to move into the adult diaper aisle, child in tow, ducking like bandits. You look back at your child as your rush him quickly through the automatic doors…is he growing a mustache?

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Dear 22-year-old, Pregnant, Me….

So you just took that first pregnancy test after being very suspicious because your period this month only came with a few very light spots. That’s called ‘implantation bleeding’ fyi. You’re going to take all three tests in the box, because that second line is just so faint, that it almost feels like a cruel, cosmic joke.

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What To Expect When You’ve Filed For Child Support

Many of us single parents have found ourselves in the position of having to file for child support. And yes, thank you for asking, it is as miserable as it sounds. In a perfect world you, first and foremost, wouldn’t be a single parent and you also wouldn’t have to go fight over money that is for the soul purpose of raising your child. However, as you’ve likely figured out, this is not a perfect world by any means.

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Why Meditation Makes Me A Better Parent

I’m a firm believer that you’ll be a “new parent” forever. Being a parent brings a host of new experiences and new challenges for every year your child gets older. Parenting completely disrupts the way you used to live your life before children were in the picture.

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