
Introductions: Hello My Fellow Moms

Hello fellow single-moms, and married moms as well… widowed moms, estranged moms, moms going through a separation, and welcome step-moms. If you are reading this, it’s probably because you’re searching for a little mom-to-mom compassion like the rest of us; and maybe you feel like you’re drowning in motherhood and other facets of life, even if only a little bit, too.

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Introductions: Hello My Fellow Moms

Hello fellow single-moms, and married moms as well… widowed moms, estranged moms, moms going through a separation, and welcome step-moms. If you are reading this, it’s probably because you’re searching for a little mom-to-mom compassion like the rest of us; and maybe you feel like you’re drowning in motherhood and other facets of life, even if only a little bit, too.

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5 Awesome Christmas Gift Swaps For Your Kids

You might have been as overwhelmed as your child was with all of the gifts they received from friends and family this Christmas season. It is also likely that you might have been just a tad annoyed that your kids were gifted certain toys you were trying to avoid all year long. Check out a few toy exchanges you and your kids will both enjoy!

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Exchanging of the Babes: Part 1

I don’t know if it’s the fact that I’m 26, and still have a tinge of naivety, but I aways hold out hope that when I meet my ex to drop off our son, there won’t be any tension between us. But I’m usually wrong…

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5 Alternatives to Cheat Pregnancy Norms

You are out of your comfort zone enough as it is while pregnant; what with your organs being gradually crushed under the mass of your growing belly. We shouldn’t have to sacrifice comfort for the approval of society… or our Mother-In-Laws! Here are five ways to get cheat society’s expected pregnancy behaviors..

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